An elegant silk chiffon scarf in a soft neutral pallet. Leonard da Vinci's series of anatomical drawings were not only of scientific interest but also very beautiful.
This scarf design is inspired by sketches he made in preparation for Gran Cavalo, a great bronze statute of a horse that was never completed.
100% Silk Chiffon Large Scarf / Stole. Larger, lighter and more transparant than our Classic Silk Scarf, it is an elegant, sheer fabric with a soft, beautiful drape.
Pure Silk Chiffon. Hand rolled hems. 71" x 21½".
Please Allow 2-3 Weeks For Delivery
100% Silk Chiffon Large Scarf / Stole. Larger, lighter and more transparant than our Classic Silk Scarf, it is an elegant, sheer fabric with a soft, beautiful drape.
Pure Silk Chiffon. Hand rolled hems. 71" x 21½".
Please Allow 2-3 Weeks For Delivery
Product SKU: 24-253